Starcraft2secrets Launches Detailed Strategy Guide for Starcraft II

Starcraft2secrets Launches Detailed Strategy Guide for Starcraft II ‘s launch of STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS, the latest strategy guide for a major Blizzard gaming property, uncovers the basic strategies and secrets for reaching the top levels of multiplayer rankings. has launched its first product - STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS - a digital strategy guide designed to outline basic and advanced strategies for multiplayer in Starcraft 2. Written by gaming guru T Dub Sanders, known for World of Warcraft and Facebook game guides such as the PvP Bible and Farmville Secrets, STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS promises to generate ample strategies for all level players in Starcraft 2. STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS starts with basic strategies for all three races - including Zerg, Terran, and Protoss. The strategies advance, including links to popular YouTube video versions of each strategy, and including screenshots and step by step walkthroughs of actions to take in each strategy. Designed for both veteran and new players, STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS includes a healthy mix of both introductory builds and strategies, and advanced tactics for high level matches.

STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS has been written to optimize ease of use, allowing any level player to easily access their favorite strategies, while cross referencing defensive moves against other players. “Starcraft has been a passion of mine for many years, and with the release of Starcraft II, I knew I needed to help all the new players and rusty veterans get up to speed for their introduction to 2.0,” says T Dub Sanders, the writer of STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS and owner of

Written as a single eBook with four major sections, STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS focuses on each race individually, providing in-depth strategies for combating Terrans, Zerg, and Protoss. The guide starts with introductions to basic systems and game mechanics, then proceeds to show low level strategies such as Zergling Rush and Terran Base Walling. From there, each chapter advances to illustrate advanced strategies to reach higher tier play in the ranking ladder system. Each strategy has been written with step by step instructions for how to build units, deploy them and counter potential enemy attacks.

T Dub Sanders has been playing computer games for more than 10 years, including the original Starcraft in the 1990s. He has been actively developing strategies for Starcraft 2 since the day the beta started in February, 2010 and has written more than two dozen strategies guides for a variety of computer games. He spends hours each day developing new strategies, analyzing video, and maintaining a close eye on the development of Starcraft 2 gameplay methods. STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS's initial retail price is $37 and includes updates for the life of the guide - including any patches or expansions to the game.

Located at provides an array of introductory and advanced strategies for players of Starcraft II. The site's owner and writer, T Dub Sanders has created with the hope of providing fledgling Starcraft II players the insight they need into how the game works and what they need to succeed every step of the way.

Do you want to discover the secret tactics you can use to legally dominate your way up the Starcraft game achieving diamond status at light speed? if yes, then you need to get a copy The Starcraft2 Secret Guide.
Click here ==> Starcraft2 Secret Guide, to instantly download a copy of this guide

Related articles: Starcraft2 Secret, The Scarcraft2 Secret Guide, starcraft2

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